Monday, October 8, 2007

Surgery Postponed for 24 hours

This morning about 7:30 we received a call from theNurse Practitioner with our surgeon Dr. Comair. She told us that there is an emergency surgery that Dr. Comair needs to perform tomorrow. Therefore, Liza's surgery has now been rescheduled for 7:30 AM on Wednesday morning the 10th. We have to be there at 6. Please continue to pray as this has added a bit of stress to an already touchy situation. Liza understands but is frustrated and ready. Thank you all.


Kate Hillegeist said...

We love you and covering all the specifics in prayer. Hills

The Mankas said...

Scot & Liza,
We love you and are praying for all those requests you mentioned. I know the postponement is hard but you know it had God's hand in it. There is SOME reason that Tuesday was not the right day!! Thank you, Scot for doing this to keep us informed! May you feel God's loving arms around you 24/7!
Love, Aunt Pam & Uncle Armand

lace1070 said...

We can't even begin to comprehend why we go through these times of stormy weather ~ lean on the truth ~ on His word ~ praise Him in this storm ~
God says that he will not forsake us or give us something more than we can handle. He is the voice of truth ~
These songs have given me great comfort and strength on days I think that all is lost. Keeping you in my prayers as I wait and wait for a surgeon who will do my Chiari surgery. ~Lace

brandon said...

Scot and Liza,

You and your children are being prayed for as I write this. Thank you for sharing this journey with those who love you, letting us join you as you trek through this leg of the race. Remember you are not alone and that you have many intercessing in prayer on your behalf. The Lord has heard our prayers, He has heard yours.

We love you and miss you.

The Frenzels