All of our experience thus far with surgery and ICU's have been emergency situations, completely unexpected. To know that a major surgery is coming is completely new for us. Liza and I have been struggling with fear over our decisions and anxiety about what is coming our way very soon. Tuesday looms on the horizon of every thought.
I'm writing this late Saturday night after a long night at the restuarant. I spoke t

o Liza briefly in the complete darkness of our bedroom and she admitted that today was a pretty horrible day. Even though she was able to sleep in quite a bit this morning, she has felt rotten all day. Our two kids have been great, but we think Izzy is feeling poorly (therefore, acting poorly) and Andrew had a bit of a meltdown today. My parents are coming in tomorrow and will be here (at least one of them) for two weeks. Liza's mom has been a tremendous and consistent help when I'm at work or school. But I don't think any of us know what to expect from this week. Pray for us. Pray for Liza. I know you all have been because we can literally "feel" your prayers. We are still confident that God has decreed this path for us and are simply trying to sharpen our focus on Him and strengthen our resolve and patience with His gracious help.
Liza and Scot you are in our prayers. We stand firmly with you as you go through the next days and weeks. You are not alone.
I pray for God to fill you with his Spirit that you may reside with him and let him carry you and fill you with his peace.
In Christ Love,
WE LOVE YOU!!! We are reading and checking for updates all time. We pray on our own and as family and a couple. We are praying......loving, waiting, hoping. I love that God challenges us to be anxious for NO-THING. It would seem impossible wouldn't it? But we persevere in prayer that you would be able to do just that, even in the fear, even in the craziness. We are praying for your sleep, and your heart, and your mind. That you would find all that you need in Him. We trust that He is enough. He is for us that love you and place you His hands, as you journey down this path, and He is for you enough, as you can only know in these moments. We cling to that. We Love YOU!!!
The Hillegeists
Dear friends in need of prayer,
One of the FBC studies this fall is Live a Praying Life. It was in studying the lesson for this week that God showed me this: I had emailed this entry to some gals on Thursday Oct 4, after that JoLynn Ritter told me about your blogspot. I was amazed that the SAME verses that God had spoken to me were the cover verses on your blog. I thought this might be a blessing to you. You and your family will also be covered in our prayer time on Tuesday morning. The facilitating team made up of Carla McDougal, Brenda Johnson, Betty Chandler, JoLynn Ritter and myself Lynn Mandeville know this was a God timing. What a blessing and priviledge for our prayer group to come along beside you.
I shared these verses with Carla on Wednesday night over the phone that I had studied earlier during the day. The Ps 33:18 is from the lesson. When I went to and printed out my verses for the week I included all of Ps 33. God had something to share from vs 13-15.
it reads: 13-15 The Lord looks from heaven; He sees all the sons of men. From the place of His dwelling He looks on all the inhabitants of the earth; He fashions their hearts individually; He considers all their works.
18-19 Behold the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, On those who hope in His mercy, To deliver their soul from death, And to keep them alive in famine.
I felt the Lord tell me He made my loved ones and and others I call out in prayer, each one unique and He knew how to draw each one and bring them to seeking Him.
I searched farther into the Hebrew Dictionary and found some interesting things.
fashions = mold into a form, to frame, to make
hearts = will, feelings and intellect
works = accomplishments, performance
alive = nourish up, preserve, restore, be whole
famine = hunger, dearth (scarcity or lack)
So God FASHIONS (molds and forms our will, feelings and intellect individually) ; He considers our HEARTS (accomplishment and performance ) or what makes us tick and what will speak to us and get our attention;...... He not only delivers our soul from death but he keeps us ALIVE (nourished up, preserved restored and made whole in times of scarcity or lack.
Wow, we serve an AWESOME GOD
God also showed me : Isolation and self sufficiency are enemies to prevent us from seeing God's tapestry being woven. It's through relationships that we can see God's plan, purpose and work being accomplished; which in turn builds our trust in God and thus our love for Him.
These are the thoughts I shared with Carla and the other facilitators before I knew what your verses on the blog were.
Pollok's - Hope I am doing this right and you get this message and it will encourage you. I thought it was amazing how God used the same verse to reach His children in totally different situations. We will be praying for you. Love Scott and Lynn Mandeville
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