Sunday, October 28, 2007

Here comes the Headache

Liza has labeled today the day of the headache. Thus far her pain has been more pressure and nerve pain, but today a plain ol' headache has camped out. She wasn't able to sleep well last night for the pain and has struggled to rest enough today although she had a few opportunities. The evening has been rather rambunctious because of the kids. Andrew has developed a nasty cough and a fever so I'll be taking him to talk to the doctor in the morning. Izzy is showing signs of feeling better, she's been getting over croup, but she's been whining incessantly. We think both of them are struggling with the change of lifestyle and especially the change in mommy. I think they are very ready for some normality, but unfortunately they will have to wait a bit longer.

I've started back to work this weekend and will work just two days this coming week. That has put some pressure on those who have offered to help us with the kids and they have responded in beautiful ways. Our church, family and friends have loved us and served us in Biblical proportions. We are still here and struggling through. Thanks for your prayers.


Anonymous said...

Hello Polloks!
Liza, I'm so sorry to hear of your headache today. I know that it's easy for me to say because I don't have to live it, but try to focus on what's to come - freedom from pain and headaches and a return to your beautiful life that God has blessed you with.

Again, I am not going thru your pain so I can only imagine how it must be for you. I'm sure it's the most difficult thing you have had to deal with and by what Scot describes here, you are doing your absolute best! You should be so proud of yourself! This will all seem like a bad dream some day soon so just let God help you through each day until you are back to health!

We are praying for you and we appreciate this blog so we can know what to pray for specifically
and how you are progressing!

God Bless,
Aunt Pam (M.)

Janine C said...

Liza darling, hang onto Jesus - let him carry you through this, nothing else matters right now but your time with him.
We love you dearest,
Aunty Janine