Saturday, October 13, 2007

Second lap and a shower

Liza has taken her second lap around the floor (it's actually a stroke floor). I plan on getting her to try one more lap before she goes to bed. She's just ate some more soup and I made her a Scot-made-stolen-hospital-spoon-spun chocolate shake from chocolate ice cream and chocolate milk. It's actually wonderful if I do say so myself.

Andrew's visit was awesome. He was nervous at first but settled in nicely after a few moments. He was most excited to visit the very large electric train exhibit down in the Children's Hospital wing. We visited it twice. Then we said our goodbyes and I ran him back home so that I could hug Izzy and have a shower. That is, after we rode the Metro train up and back a few stops. They both have been looked after by my parents, who have served us with tremendous patience and humility.

Liza also had a shower! She is in heaven, relatively. Liza's mum has been giving her little sponge baths to relieve her as much as possible. But our new nurse, whom Liza loves for this reason, offered to help Sonja give Liza a shower and wash her hair. Liza jumped at the chance because she's been most uncomfortable these last few days with the state of her hair. It was a chemical wash but it feels better and smells of fruit. Liza will rest much better tonight because of it. I also convinced Liza that those across the ocean and others who haven't been able to visit might like to actually see her - so look forward to some photos on the next post later tonight.

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