Wednesday, October 10, 2007

She's in - now the waiting game

Well we got here in plenty of time this morning. Liza and I drove together with a caravan of three cars behind us - Liza's mom, my brother, and a mother/daughter couple of family friends. It was an easy drive and we made it plenty of time - to the delight of Liza.

We checked in and they quickly took Liza and I back to a holding area where she got changed into a gown and they took her vitals, which were all perfect. They also started a central line for most of the IV's that she will have today. They immediately hooked up some saline solution to keep her hydrated and a heavy antibiotic which will be turned on later to match up with the "window" they have for surgery. We them answered a ton of questions and waited.

They then took her down one floor to the operating level. She and I waited in another holding area and met the anaesthesiologist, the registered nurses assigned to Liza's case and talked with Dr. Comair, Liza's surgeon. He answered some questions and asked some and then they took her away. She was in very good spirits, not nervous at all, just cold.

As I write this, she's been in for about an hour. They will sedate her as soon as they get in the OR before they begin anything else. They must first harvest the tissue from her right thigh, then flip her over, then begin the shaving and washing process. The surgery on her brain will take about three hours, and in my estimation they are probably beginning that about now (8:45 AM). We should hear something very soon.

Dr. Comair will come to the waiting area after surgery and speak to me and the rest of us directly. I will write more as soon as I can. Thank you for all your prayers and thoughts. Now is the time.


Kaitlin L. said...

Keith and I are praying for you and the family, for Liza and the team working with her, and for the Lord's hand to be with you all. Thank you for the updates!

The Lipes

Dayna said...

You're in our thoughts and prayers...

Be well,
Dayna and Daniel

Kate Hillegeist said...

We're praying........We prayed as a family last night and again on the way to school together. Elle detailed for Mr. Scot all the balls he was juggling and made sure to tell Jesus they were not real ones, but situational ones! And for Miss Liza to feel good, you are breath prayers for us today. Thinking and praying for you over and over. Keep us posted.......loving you all. The Hills