Friday, October 12, 2007

Hope in the room next door

Liza just had a nice sponge bath to make her feel as clean as possible considering the circumstances and she's trying to get comfortable in bed. The incision on the back of her neck is starting to nag her a bit now. We've tried tons of pillow arrangements and combinations but none seem to stick out as supreme. We've got more meds coming in about half an hour and that should set Liza up for a good sleep.

Liza's mum Sonja has been wonderful too. She spent the first night at a hotel just down the street but has gone home to sleep last night and this night. She was a Registered Nurse in Australia, so she brings a lot of experience to the table. She's taken very good care of her daughter.

We also spoke to the lady in the room next to us tonight. Her name is Jodie and she had the same surgery 24 hours before Liza did, same doctor. She's about 20 years older and had different symptoms but offered great encouragement, being one day out ahead of Liza. She is moving her head rather well and is going home tomorrow. When Liza got out for her 30 meter walk, she stopped in a chatted for quite a while. It was very good for Liza to see Jodie's progress but she paid for the walk when she returned. Her entire body was pulsing and quaking a bit from the pain.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers. I know I say that a lot, but that's just about all I'm thinking when I type these posts. I can't quite believe that so many are reading this and praying for my lovely wife. It is humbling and astonishing. Blessings and good night.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear she's showing positive signs of recovery, I just found out about this situation and read the entire blog history.

Please wish her well from me and my love to both of you, and Andrew and Isabel. I'll be back in Texas for most of December and will be sure to come see you all in the woodlands if she's not up to traveling for Christmas.

Harmonie said...

Prayers for peaceful and pain-free sleep.

Janine C said...

Scot we log on several times a day. Your writing helps us to feel close and involved. We are praying for you too - going home will not be the end, Liza will need months to heal from this. It is wonderful and exciting to hear how well she is doing but walking down the hospital corridor are just the first steps on the road to recovery. She is a strong girl, I've seen her train herself in dancing... she can do this. Aunty Janine