As you can see Liza's hair is growing back quickly but not quick enough for her. The incision

site looks really good to me, but still
gives her the willies. She slept in today till almost noon which really set her up for a better-than-average day. She actually said that she only had a couple of small headaches today and that they didn't last long. The nerve pain was all she struggled with. Now that Izzy's getting over her sickness, Andrew has a virus. I took him to see our wonderful doctor this afternoon and found out he has Adeno virus. His teacher and other classmates at preschool have also had it. He's not tremendously bad, we can just tell that he's not his normal cheerful self. He's got irritated eyes, congestion, cough, light fever, and the squirts. Good times.
I (Scot) have been scheduled to work a double tomorrow and Wednesday, so please pray that

we have adequate help with the kiddos. Here they are having a picnic on the hood of my car. We are in new territory here, since I've been off from work for almost three full weeks now. I started back this weekend and it went very smoothly with regular sitters and Liza's mum. For the next two days, I'm sure we will be blessed with the same loving help we've been receiving. Again, many blessings to you all and thank you for your service, thoughts, comments, and prayers.
Oh Lizzie, your neck looks just like it did when you were a little girl! It will grow back and in the meantime you can cover it with othe hair. Im more interested in what the kids have in those plastic bags. How cute they look. I just want to run up and hug them both... squeeze from Aunty Nineeeee
Hi Scot and Liza,
i tried emailing back but MSN/Hotmail doesn't like me--it considers me SPAM:)
We will be praying for Nov 9 and for full recovery! I am really trying to imagine what you must be going through on a daily basis--and that just spurs me on to more prayer!!
India is great! The Lord is sanctifying much!! We are spoiled Americans who must be de-spoiled to live here with joy:)
Scot & Liza, your computer inept mom just figured out, with Diane's help, how to seen a comment.Liza, your hair is looking great. I know it must itch, but you have such beautiful hair to cover it up. My grandchildren on the car hood are adorable. They look very happy. God has been good to all of you, even thru the "squirts" and colds. You are such a blessed family and it shows in your smiles. Dad and I continue to pray fro you daily, Liza. We know that the pain will go away soon. The Great Healer will take care of it like he has taken care of you so far. We will see you soon and remember we love you all very much. Scot, thanks again for the blog. We love it. Mom and Dad
liza & scot-we sure missed you guys tonight! you all were on my heart a lot today with work starting back up. i sure am praying for the healing process, less pain and endurance for the road before you. love you guys -the collins
Scot and Liza,
my family and i are prayinf for you all the time.
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