I just got through reading Liza ALL of the comments you all have posted since we came to the hospital yesterday. She just laid there quietly and listened, motioning with her hand for more. It has blessed me so much that you all have blessed her so much. She's trying to rest now, having gotten up three times to go the bathroom in the last hour or so - that really wears her out. But she's getting up! That's great. A lovely friend just brought a gorgeous poster board with the only flowers we're allowed to have in the ICU - drawn ones. It has encouraged Liza with words of life and a the simple prayer that has been close to our hearts these days: Be near, O God.
Your prayers have joined our prayers in a beautiful way. How can I ever thank you for

expressing OUR dependence on God in your prayers. It's somehow difficult to pray from the midst of the trial, but to know that you all have being praying on our behalf is like a warm blanket - which is great in such a cold hospital. Prayer is the quintessential language of dependence and we'll continue to express that language with you as God sees Liza through the next couple of days. We should be going to our very own PRIVATE room in the next hour or so - see, yet another answered prayer. Bless you all.
We love you both are are happy to hear that you made it through the surgery. I called yesterday but didn't expect a call back. Tim and I are going to try to stop by the hospital tomorrow if we can. Love you. Dani
praise God on the room and many trips to the bathroom while pressing through the pain. Continued prayer watch........much love, Hills
Liza and Scot, love and prayers from every direction! Last night as I stayed up late to watch the nail biter Navy football game (Liza, isn't this just what you want to hear about at the moment, but never fear, Navy pulled it out for a win in the final seconds..smile..I just knew that would be important to you at the moment..smile) Anyway, back to the story. I had open on my laptop computer this blog spot and would hit refresh every little bit to see if there was any more news. So while we screamed, bit our nails, hid our faces in pillows and watched for our son on TV (we didn't see him), we also kept hitting the refresh button on this blog to see how Liza was doing. Rachel began crowding me on the sofa and kept saying "stop hitting that button mom, I am trying to read about Miss Liza!" From young to old, in the middle of football games, on the sofa, working in the yard,and as we come and go, you are never far from our thoughts and prayers. (Bet you didn't know you were huddled up with us on the sofa last night..Rachel, Ruth, Amy, Miriam and Mom) and shared our late night football moment.
Scot, thanks for sharing Liza and yourself with us in this blog.. We are all in this together..whether close or far apart (or extremely close with Rachel crowding on the sofa to get to the computer!) Know that you are loved! God is on the throne, The Ancient of Days, He knows, He sees and He knew just what you would need THIS day (our DAILY bread) His mercies are new every morning and sufficient for this day, this hour, this time until the pain meds work again, until the next nap, the next hurtle crossed. He is never caught off guard, surprised, dismayed, alarmed but has so very faithfully, this day, packed "your lunch box" (like I tell my kiddos) with every single thing you would need for that day. So like a kid in the lunchroom, who looks in his very cool designer lunch box (pick one, Star Wars, The Lion the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Hello Kitty....) to see what mom packed for his lunch, so we can reach into our backpack (full of new mercies every morning) and see what the Lord has packed for us..knowing exactly what we would need that day. And sometimes, not always, but sometimes, just like mom, He puts in those extra special treats like a fruit roll up, gusher candy or even maybe, just maybe, a twinkie or little debbie swiss miss roll.
Praying for every mercy to come your way...including some fruit roll ups and maybe...just maybe..a little debbie swiss miss roll!
He is well able to supply all your needs, through Christ Jesus our Lord.
all our love,
the crazy Broussard family
Sweet friends,
Everyone is asking about you today and SO many people at the preschool are encouraged by your story & blog and praying for you fervently. We've been "refreshing" like crazy to keep up to the minute:) Liza, I'm so proud of you! We are continuing to pray for total healing and total peace. . .
Love you guys...Dave & Lisa
Keep up the good work.
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