Sunday, November 18, 2007

There and Back Again

I arrived home again tonight a little after 6 PM. I obviously did not have access to the Internet while I was away or I would have kept you all up to date.

I thought the weekend away was extremely successful. I spoke to a group of high school students in four sessions about the concept of our awkward position as Christians in this world. Peter addresses his first epistle to a group he calls "aliens and strangers." That was the theme of the retreat. In a basic sense, I talked about suffering and tried to open up for the students a biblical concept and theology of suffering. I had a lot of fun and I think the students were impacted. Pray that God will continue to work on them.

Meanwhile, Liza was home with the kids aided by the most amazing mother-in-law on the planet. Sonja was here throughout the weekend helping Liza do almost everything. The kids were pretty rowdy throughout the weekend and especially when daddy got home, but Liza did fairly well. She was still in substantial pain throughout the weekend when I would call and she wasn't able to rest very well. But it was joyous to see her play with the kids when I got home. She had moments where we all forgot about her surgery and recovery because she was just enjoying her kids so much. She laughed and even ran across the floor chasing Izzy once. It was great to see. But of course, now she has a pretty bad headache. We're turning in early to try to catch up on our sleep. Many blessings to you all and thank you for your continued concern and prayers.


Janine C said...

Sweet dreams for all of you. God is certainly looking after you. I pray the improvements and happy times increase. God bless Sonja, she is such a hard working lady, my little sister, she deserves very special blessings.
love and hugs from Aunty Janine

amelia said...
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