As you can see from the pictures, Andrew, and probably his buddy Jeremiah, took a large container of corn-starch baby powder and decided that it should "snow" on Thomas and his friends. I'm not sure how, but this "snow" made its way on top of his chest of drawers, in the window blinds, in the closet, on the bed, and everywhere in between. Everything we patted or touched reacted like it had been stuck in an old attic for twenty years. Poof. It was too funny and cute for us to be
cross at Andrew, but he does understand that another "snow" incident is unacceptable. What else can you say? His room has never smelled so good. Have you ever tried to vacuum up 20 oz. of powder spread over 120 square feet of carpet?

Liza is in quite a bit of pain right now from the PT and is trying to sleep it off. She slept better last night than she has in a while thanks to some new meds. She has been going without for a while but the pain was not allowing her to sleep properly, which in turn leads to more discomfort. So I called our friend Shirley, the nurse practitioner, yesterday and she called in a script for us. It seems to be helping now, but we'll see how the afternoon and evening go. Blessings.
I know exactly how you feel Scot. When Liza's cousin, Coppelia, was about 3, we had some friends over for dinner. Their son, Saxon, was also 3 years old. While the adults chatted, the kids played in the bedroom. After a while I realised the kids were too quiet so I went to check. I opened the door onto a soft room where every surface was covered in a fine layer of baby powder. There stood two powdered children, looking very pleased with themselves. I also remeber that the vacuum cleaner had a nervous breakdown and I had to buy a new one. Aunty Janine
This is hilarious! It's kinda like when my cousin was little and lived in a house with wood floors. She was watching the Charlie Brown Christmas special and decided she wanted to ice skate like them. She covered the floor in lotion and glided around in her socks until she got caught. I hope Andrew enjoyed his one and only indoor snow!
-- Rachel
Love the first snow in Andrew's room... so awesome. Don't think I could be mad either... all I could do is laugh! Gotta love kids creativity!
Love the snow tell Andrew i hope he had fun but the snow comes from outside well i dont know how i could have gotten mad eather well love yall bunches
N Christ
Hannah U
I just wanted to share that in Ecc. 3:1-15 it is all about the Times for everything so I wanted to share that there isent a time to fear or anything I mean the Bible says "But God does it so that we fear before him" (Ecc. 3:14) That dosent mean to be afraid it basically means to love him so just wanted to tell you that and thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much for being my teacher for so long i love you bunches and my church and me are praying for you Tell Andrew i love his snow too!!!!!!!!
N Christ Hannah Ueckert
we need to decress so God can incress
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