Thursday, November 1, 2007

First Outing Fallout

Liza and I got back from the studio a little after 4 and before 5 she was in bed, wasted. Just a little half hour trip took everything she had. While it was great for her to see and hug some of her older girls, it was also discouraging, as she didn't expect to be so weak. She slept for two solid hours and then tried to coddle the sick kids the rest of the night. They both are struggling to understand why mommy can't pick them up. It's heartbreaking for Liza to have to deny them. Oh - nobody goes out to eat on Halloween night apparently.


kelli ellen kurtz said...

Looking on the bright side, Liza was able to get out of the house which is a step she wasn't able to take a week ago. Even though it may have exhausted her, it is still more than she could have done previously. BABY STEPS!! Congratulations on the outing!! :)
~kelli in arizona

Anonymous said...

I'm praying that God will help Andrew and Izzy to adjust to all these changes and be a source of deep comfort to you, Liza. I'm sure all of this is extremely hard for them, but I'm sure it's even harder on you guys knowing that it's hard on them.

Love you guys,
Rachel (Smith) Page

Megan said...

Tonight, I went to church for All Saint's Day. Our priest talked a lot about the fact that although we tend to focus on the miraculous stories of their lives, the saints were still human. They were normal people that endured many hardships, but the one thing that set them apart was their complete reliance on God during times of struggle. While he was talking, I had my quiet little revelation that you and Mrs. Liza are two of the most saintly people I have ever had the privilege of knowing. You are both such a beautiful testimony to His love and compassion. I'm sure you must have heard this many times by now, but that just shows you how much the presence of Christ radiates from you in everything you do. Thank you so much for sharing your light with the world and may God continue to bless you all the days of your life.

Megan Richardson

Janine C said...

Liza, the next outing will be easier. You know what happens to muscles when you don't use them... it works for the whole body and mind.... as someone already said, baby steps. God is good. love Janine