Liza actually went up to the Methodist Church and watched concert rehearsal for over 2 hours! Well, watched
and taught, that is. She just couldn't help herself. But this evening, she was "done," in her words. That little outing took everything she had. She was extremely encouraged, though, by her girls' level of dancing and is very excited about tomorrow night. Our pianist friend, Larry Dalton, arrives just after lunch and the dancers from all the companies will be arriving in the early afternoon for more rehearsal. Our very own Tray Morgan will host the evening. Liza and I just prayed together and she mentioned that she "doesn't care at all about the fund raising, I just want people to be touched and for God to be glorified." I thought that she said it very well.
My (Scot) parents came in tonight to be with the kids over the weekend and come to the

concert tomorrow. Andrew and Izzy were thrilled to see them. Here's a couple pictures of them at breakfast (notice the balanced and nutritious meal that their father made). They both went to "school" again today and are loving it. It's been my favorite time of the week to sit and debrief the day's happenings with them individually. I just keep falling in love with these two over and over again.
As I reflect on all that's gone on in the last few weeks I'm really overwhelmed with thanksgiving. I realize that I've given almost one single answer to all who have asked about Liza: "slow progress." But in reality, we are so very thankful for a innumerable number of things that God has done. And so before all the festivities of tomorrow begin I wanted to encourage you all to give thanks to God for what He's done in Liza, how He has spared her and used her to touch lives during this trial. One of our life goals is to be thankful people. When it comes to this surgery and recovery and all the words and visitors to this blog, we are extremely grateful. Thank you all. Thank you Jesus.
It was so wonderful to see you yesterday. You have been through so much and yet look fantastic! Your beautiful heart shines through you and we thank you for all your input into our daughter's life. Your example of seeking the Lord and praising Him through all of this is a wonderful role model for all of the "missionary" students at the studio!
They look forward to blessing you tonight.
The Conebys
Here we GO!!!!!!!! We are so excited for today and the perfomance. May God do immeasureably more than we can ask or imagine. May people be touched, the gospel shared in this amazing medium of communicating His love, and may He be glorifed in all the details. Love you sweet lady, Kate for the Hills
MRS. Liza it was so great to see you yesterday, and i hope tonight will be a big blessing to all of us.Amy
Thank you Jesus.
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