Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Providence of God

Today was a restful day for least in the beginning of it, that is. She rested relatively well during the night, then helped the kids and I get ready for church. We left for a little breakfast date of donuts and chocolate milk (not the most nutritious meal, but fun) and she went back to bed. The kids love church. They each made little crafts and talked about the Christmas story in their respective rooms. I finished teaching the book of Ruth in our Sunday School class. We got home a little after one and woke Liza up with immediate drama. She did get to lay back down for a nap after lunch. The evening was a beautifully simple Sunday evening, filled with playing and watching football. Liza needed a restful day after such a hectic day yesterday.

While we're on the subject, the book of Ruth has captured my attention. On reason is that I've been translating it from the Hebrew all semester and have had several exams on the subject. The other reason is that I've been teaching it and trying to internalize its wonderful message, which foundationally is about God's providential working in human affairs and the kindness and loyalty that we are asked to show as His children. The intricacies of the story prove the point very well. My favorite passage is in chapter 2, "and Ruth just happened to chance upon the field belonging to Boaz." I just love that because "if Ruth picks the wrong field, we can take down the Christmas lights," as one of my professors says. The narrator writes this account in such a way as to describe Ruth walking down the road trying to decide which field to glean in; for some reason she chooses Boaz's field. God providentially provided for the desperate situation of a widow and a Gentile in the most gentle guidance. Wow. I love it. That's what God does. He graciously provides for our needs in his wonderful plan. In the book of Ruth it turned out to be King David, and the bloodline of Jesus. In the life of the Polloks, sometimes its just a restful Sunday afternoon when we need it the most.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so interesing Scot. But, I don't think there was any chance of her chosing the wrong field because she was following God's leading. He led her to that field. Of course she could have deliberately disobeyed and gone her own way, so it's not which field she chose but which path - gently along God's chosen path or deliberately taking the opposite way. Janine