After the four hour drive, which wasn't too bad, we had another gift-giving Christmas celebration with my parents and brother. It was a real treat. We attended the only church in town on Christmas morning, Holy Trinity Catholic Church, which was the church I attended growing up. We then spent the rest of the day at my grandfather's house, which was filled with aunts, uncles and cousins. That's what Christmas means to me - being with family at my grandfather's house. It was special having my family there too.
We made it back home last night after another four hour drive, this only a little more painful than the first. I'm not yet one of those dads that say "don't make me come back there..." or "I'll turn this thing around." Liza has not had physical therapy in over a week and is feeling the lack. She told me just a second ago that she feels like she's moving backward. She hasn't been able to rest well and she's been in constant discomfort. If we can get her resting better, that will be a huge step forward. Please pray for that. She will have five days of physical therapy this week.
School is done for the semester and it feels really good to have a break. I'm doing some clean-up study (a few things left over from the semester work load) and trying to find time to do some projects around the house. Blessings to you all and many thanks for continuing to check in here, read, and pray for my sweet wife. I also thought I'd share some more family Christmas photos. 

Scott, I didn't have your e-mail so I thought I'd send a word of encouragement to you through Liza's blog. I just wanted to thank you for your teaching this morning on Psalm 28. It was a wonderful word and you are a gifted teacher and communicator. Wherever God intends to plant you within a church will be deeply blessed by your passion for His word, your humility, and your insight. So keep teaching/preaching brother. I am amazed with all that you have on your plate that you were able to prepare such a word and bring it forth in power and by memory.
I give thanks for you brother and wish we could keep you in the pulpit for ourselves.
We rejoice with Liza's progress and God's faithfulness upon you. Thank you too for the word from your DTS pastor that even after 50 years invested in study and teaching, if a do over was given he would spend more time in the word. A wonderful example as each of us look forward to a New Year and contemplate priorities and changes that God is urging us to make.
May the New Year find you reading His word more than ever.
One question? I must know who your favorite podcast preachers are for my own i-pod.
Blessing on your heart and ministry, Kellie Merrick
Beautiful family photos!
Wishing you and your family many blessings in 2008!
Harmonie Vallerand
Beautiful pics! Looks like y'all had a good Christmas!
Scot and Liza, you have both been on my heart these last few days. As I was praying I thought about this piece out of my journal that made such a hard time so beautiful. It is truely amazing to see the Glory of the Polloks!
Sha'bar - to burst, to break into pieces, broken, bring to birth, crush, destroy, hurt, quench
I've struggled my whole life knowing that we must first submit completely... become broken...before he can rebuild us for his glory...only then will we reach the nations with our voice, our actions, and our magnificant truth...only then will a seed be planted. A seed of the stars.
Love and miss you all!
Amanda, Will, and Cael
Hey guys! It's been a while since we've been in touch and I was so excited to find your blog! Sounds like you had a good Christmas ...your children are beautiful, by the way (just like their parents)! :0) I miss you guys and think of you often. Blessings in 2008!
Hi Pollok Family! We briefly ran into y'all at the Stuart's Christmas Party! I think we were headed out, and y'all were on your way in. Anyways, so glad to run across your blog tonight...I'm still amazed at what a small world it is. I don't know the details of this past year, but I can see from some brief reading that y'all have had a rough last couple of months!! Know that we will pray for Liza's continued healing!
Kristyn and Jason Holleman
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