Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Daily Grind

It would seem that Liza's life is consumed with physical therapy at the moment. She went yesterday for an extended and fruitful time and will go again tomorrow morning. Her range of motion in the neck is steadily increasing through much hard work and pain. I'm very proud of her.

Both of the kids are fighting off illness; Andrew has it the worst. He has missed his preschool classes all week. Hopefully over the weekend, which is supposed to be cold, he will start to feel better. Poor little guy has been such a trooper. Liza and I have also been working quite a bit lately. I was at the restaurant 14 hours yesterday and will go again tomorrow - hopefully not as long. Liza has also been working longer hours at the studio. She actually jumped yesterday. She probably won't do it again for a while. Many blessings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone. I've missed a couple of updates - been very busy as this is the end of our school year, so sorry. I've read up to date now - good girl Liza, keep up the good work. Lots of love to all of you.
AUnty Janine