Sunday, December 9, 2007

Church Double Dip

Liza actually went to church twice today and fared rather well. This morning the whole family went to a bit of "big church" and then it was off to our community group - the most that Liza can handle at this time. She enjoyed catching up with the couples there and then it was off home. (Some pictures from the day - Izzy's wonderful disposition and Andrew hiding in the couch.)

After lunch, nap, bath time and a light dinner, we all headed back to church for our annual Christmas Cafe. Tonight was the last of four shows and it was absolutely fantastic. All four of us sat together down front and the kids loved it as much as we did. They clapped and sang and danced. It was really a nice time. Liza was blessed to have several people that have been praying for her and supporting us come up and visit. It was a wonderful night out as a family.

The only challenge was getting the kids settled and down off their sugar high - lots of candy available at the Cafe. Ah, it was worth it.

This week coming is filled with finalizing school for the semester, work for both of us, and lots of physical therapy. Andrew is fighting a cold and cough and Izzy is hopefully holding off on another ear infection until tubes come the week after. You can still pray for the muscles in Liza's neck to start cooperating with physical therapy - especially those on the front right and back left (sounds like we're changing her tires). Most of her pain comes from those two places and from all over when she does too much. But generally, I think she is still encouraged and progressing. Thanks for all your prayers, well wishes, and support. We are indebted to you all. Blessings.

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