Sunday, December 30, 2007
Our 100th Post
Monday, December 24, 2007
The Christmas Splits
Liza actually DANCED on Saturday night! Well, she performed a solo at the beginning of a piece called "Agnus Dei" in which she basically "moves her arms around," in her own words. She did no jumping, turning or spinning for you that are worried. It was a big step, very encouraging for her, and made all the family very proud and worried. Our good God is bringing my wife back to her passionate ministry with a new fervor and drive. It really is a beautiful thing to watch.
Yesterday I drove Sonja to the airport headed to Australia to spend Christmas with her family and friends there. That means she'll be arriving about now, our time. It's a long way. We are headed to Falls City this morning to spend Christmas with my family there. It will be our first without my grandma and should be a special one. Jacob and Amy will also be heading to Australia in a couple weeks, after they and Steven spend Christmas with Amy's family. So we are all headed in different directions this Christmas, which I suppose is becoming more and more normal in our time.
Many warm blessings on your Christmas celebration this year. Please be full of our gratitude and thoughts as you and your friends and family gather around the warmth of the story of our Savior, humbled to be born in a feeding trough in the likeness of you and I. He was born on a mission to save us from our sins - the only thing by the way, that no other world religion offers a solution for. Christ was born to solve man's deepest problem - himself. I pray that you find yourself in that story this Christmas and perhaps for the first time, you truly celebrate Christ's birth. Blessings and Merry Christmas.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Christmas after a long year
Long Weekend
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The Daily Grind
Both of the kids are fighting off illness; Andrew has it the worst. He has missed his preschool classes all week. Hopefully over the weekend, which is supposed to be cold, he will start to feel better. Poor little guy has been such a trooper. Liza and I have also been working quite a bit lately. I was at the restaurant 14 hours yesterday and will go again tomorrow - hopefully not as long. Liza has also been working longer hours at the studio. She actually jumped yesterday. She probably won't do it again for a while. Many blessings.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
More Returns

Sunday, December 9, 2007
Church Double Dip

After lunch, nap, bath time and a light dinner, we all headed back to church for our annual Christmas Cafe. Tonight was the last of four shows and it was absolutely fantastic. All four of us sat together down front and the kids loved it as much as we did. They clapped and sang and danced. It was really

The only challenge was getting the kids settled and down off their sugar high - lots of candy available at the Cafe. Ah, it was worth it.
This week coming is filled with finalizing school for the semester, work for both of us, and lots of physical therapy. Andrew is fighting a cold and cough and Izzy is hopefully holding off on another ear infection until tubes come the week after. You can still pray for the muscles in Liza's neck to start cooperating with physical therapy - especially those on the front right and back left (sounds like we're changing her tires). Most of her pain comes from those two places and from all over when she does too much. But generally, I think she is still encouraged and progressing. Thanks for all your prayers, well wishes, and support. We are indebted to you all. Blessings.
Friday, December 7, 2007
A Word from Paul
I think of that statement very often, especially when I find that I haven't sought the joy and intimacy of reading my Bible in a while. Yesterday was one of those days. I've been reading through the book of 2 Corinthians. This was among what I read:
For we who live are constantly being delivered over to death for Jesus' sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal fle

Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.
I think that's all that need be said.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Catching Up
Today, the therapist could move Liza's head all the way to her left shoulder, but on the other side (stretching the left side of the neck) it didn't go nearly as far. She was with her for two hours today working on the muscles and her range of motion. She will go back to St. Luke's early tomorrow for another appointment there just to see if her experience gets any better. The more therapy the quicker the recovery...but she can't over do it.
Thanks again for all of your faithful reading. Many blessings and many thanks.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Mom...on her own again
I'm so very proud of my wife. She is working hard to get back to normal. She had another physical therapy appointment today but she wasn't impressed. It was at St. Luke's, but the therapist wasn't as good as the other she's been going to, and she did all of the same stuff. So it's back to our good friend Cindy from now on. She only went to St. Luke's because we wanted to see if the PT that the neurologist ordered was any different that what we've been receiving. Question asked and answered.
I worked a double again today, so Liza was actually mom by herself today. The kids went to preschool again so she had a little reprieve this morning, the afternoon made up for it. Little Izzy, who is tentatively scheduled to receive a second set of tubes December 20, stumbled and busted her tiny little lip. It was quite a dramatic scene from what I've heard. But otherwise, the children are as cute and good as they've always been (they're both getting really good at pushing each other with quite a bit of force).
Many blessings to you all.
First Solo Sortie
Sunday, December 2, 2007
The Providence of God

Saturday, December 1, 2007
Busy Weekend

This morning we both arose early, I back to a full day of school, and Liza to a local high school to prepare her girls for their involvement in a fundraiser. Then tonight, she will do the same for an evangelistic Christmas ministry in Spring (a town just south of us). Izzy and Andrew are excited to go and see the camels. Izzy wants to pet them. Yeah, we'll see about that. She talks a big talk. She LOVES animals...but from a distance. Tomorrow, another Sunday School teaching opportunity. We've been going through the book of Ruth. I'm loving it.
I've also been thinking about what I have discovered is one of the most prevalent emotions or dispositions of our age; one that I am intimately associated with. Exhaustion. I don't think there is a more popular answer in our home to the question "how are you?" I'm sure you relate - especially if you're an American, but probably just because you're a human. For some reason we are tempted to measure the quality of our day by the amount of things we get done. Exhaustion then becomes like an award at the end of a "good" day. The Bible would agree...sometimes. To be tired at the end of a hard day's work is a good thing. But busy-ness is not always good. Remember Jesus' words, "Martha, Martha..." And although I hate it, I feel extremely busy. Most of us do.
The beautiful side of busy-ness though, is the opportunity it affords us to depend and rely on God. In the midst of our running and panting and trying and hurrying and working, we MUST become intimately acquainted with the strength, peace, hope, and invigorating Spirit that only God provides. Liza and I have unexpectedly bumped up against this strength and peace. I pray and hope that we become addicted to it more than we become addicted to busy-ness. I love the way God enjoys displaying His strength in our weakness. His peace in our busy-ness. His calm in our storm.