Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Happenings Lately

Liza has been doing better and better. Her headaches are not as frequent and she's experiencing generally better days more and more. She still has some tingling in her face and arms but even that seems to be off and on. Thanks for your prayers.

The kids are great. These pics are from my brother Travis' wedding a few weeks ago. They are growing quickly and smarting up quite a bit. Izzy, who won't be three until November, can hold a conversation with you as long as you want to - that is if big brother isn't around. Andrew is extremely keen too. He's enjoying his second year at pre-school where he found a new "best friend," Nicholas.

I've been loving my job as a teaching pastor, which I've been at for two months now. I'm through my first series and starting my second. It's been a total joy.

Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers.


LaurenMZ said...

Hi Scot! This is Lauren Merrill. I'm glad to catch up a bit by reading your blog - I found it through Colette's. Email me at laurenzugaro@yahoo.com and I'll invite you to read our's. It's private, mostly due to my protective husband!

Colette Frazier said...

Hi Scot and Liza--just checking in on you. Glad you are feeling better Liza!! Answered prayer. And I'm glad Travis got married:) I'm sure it was alot of fun.