The last few weeks (four plus to be exact) have seen Liza struggle with some more severe symptoms. She has been suffering from a

About ten days ago now Liza went and had yet another MRI. This time they took pictures, with and without intravenous contrast, of her full head and then of her neck and spinal area. I picked up the CD of images as soon as they were ready and mailed them to our wonderful neurosurgical team and waited for their call. As it turns out, Dr. Comair was extremely pleased with the pictures and even said he was "quite proud" of the work that was done. The pictures of Liza's spinal area around C1 and C2 are now perfect - nothing wrong at all. That's good news on the one hand. But why the headaches? The good Doc couldn't answer that right away.
So while the team reviews her case, we wait for our appointment to see them face to face yet again. That appointment is not until May 19th. So in the meantime, we would covet your prayers for Liza's health and continued healing, and most especially for freedom from the intense pain of these pressure headaches.
Many other things have been happening in the mean time. Andrew and Izzy are both doing very well and getting very "grown up." They are learning so much and have been enjoying the outdoors and actually each other lately. Andrew's first year of preschool is almost over and he has enjoyed it very much. Izzy has been privileged to attend a few "baby" ballet classes as a special treat and we can't seem to keep her from dancing. I think she wants to be just like her mommy. Andrew, as it turns out is just like his daddy. LEGOs are his new favorite toy. I have all but wrapped up yet another semester of my Masters work and have officially begun my Thesis work. I'm still working at the restaurant here in town but hope to be in ministry very soon.
Well, I think that catches us all up for now. Be watching for more frequent posts in the near future. I'll keep you up to date on all things "Liza." Please continue to pray for her. Many blessings.
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