Things have been steadily improving...let's say changing...around the Pollok house. Liza is still actively attending therapy and working hard to get her range of motion back. Her increased hours of teaching AND DANCING have brought back some of the numbness and tingling, but in her words "it's nothing like it was before." Most likely, these sensations are still a normal part of the nerve regeneration and healing. Her headaches are lessening except for a couple multi-day bouts lately. She still is not sleeping well and daily struggles with the affects of this difficult recovery. Please continue to pray for her.
She will be dancing this Easter weekend at a local church on 1488. She and members of her company will be performing three times throughout the weekend plus a dress rehearsal. This will be one of the first (third, officially, I think) times Liza will be back on stage in a major way. I'm so very proud of her and all of the hard work, pain, and struggle that it's taken to get where she is. She is still actively working and preparing for a special ministry opportunity this summer overseas. Details are sensitive.
The kids, Andrew and Izzy, are doing great as well, although they seem to be testing the limits of Mummy and Daddy's discipline and consistency lately. They are excited about the better weather and are growing up way too fast. It seems we're doing everything we can to slow them down. We want them to have a good long, healthy, and happy childhood.
I'm still busy with school, but currently enjoying the break for Spring. If classes are available in the Fall, it looks like I will be finished this December. That will make it officially five and a half years. My thesis will likely carry me over to May of next year which is still quickly approaching. I am so thankful for this wonderful time of training and all of the people that have prayed for and supported us in this adventure. We're also praying about several ministry opportunities that have presented themselves. It would be so good to once again leave the restaurant industry. I'm thankful for my job but am getting weary.
That's about it. Thank you so much for your continued comments and prayers. You are treasures to us. Many blessings.